Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wedding in Minnesota

The wedding we went to was my dad's cousin, Matt. I got all dressed up and was passed around to different relatives. I even got to dance with mom and dad!

Landon's first trip to Minnesota

Right before my mom had to go back to work, we got to take a trip to Minnesota. Our reason for going was for a wedding but I ended up meeting lots of family and friends that I've never met before!

4 month check up

Landon went in for shots yesterday. Poor thing, they stuck him and his whole head turned a deep red and he screamed! He's fine though.

New stats:
length 25 inches, 60th percentile
weight 15 lbs, 3.2 oz, 55th percentile
head circumference 15.25 inches, 5th percentile

His hats won't ever be too small I guess!
other interesting info: the doctor does NOT have a magic pill to help spitting up.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Baptism September 9, 2007

It was a success! Landon only spit up once during the ceremony and we only dropped the burp cloth twice!