Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Ornaments and Presents

Landon is enjoying the new Christmas scenery in our house. He can't seem to decide what to play with, the tree or the presents!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Landon is now 6 months old! We did not have a half-birthday party, but we did drop him off at a friends so we could go to dinner for Ben's birthday. Landon got the priviledge of getting three shots in his thighs and played with a stethoscope. Everything checked out fine.

Good news! His head circumference is now in the ninth percentile! A four percent increase in two months. He is 27 inches long (85th percentile) and 16lbs, 15.5oz (41st percentile). For you non-math people out there, 41st percentile means that if he's in a room with 100 babies his age, 40 of them would weigh less than him and 58 of them would weigh more.

He is also liking all the "yellows" we are giving him. That is all the yellow fruits and vegetables, he has just tasted green beans, so here come the yummy beans and peas!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sittin' Up & Cuttin' Up

That's right. At almost 6 months, I am now sitting up without the support of my arms. I still fall over, but now I can play with toys while I am sitting!

Also, I cut my first tooth today! I have a pearly white peaking through on my bottom. It hurts but it'll be worth it when I'm be able to eat real food someday!

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Landon went with mom to Port Aransas. While there, he spent a little time on the beach and a lot of time in the car, the hospital and the business center (where he worked as the PR manager). Here are some beach highlights from our trip.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Another Trip to MN

Landon had his second round trip plane ride to MN for another wedding. This one for his parents' friends Tom and Angie. Landon started in Iowa with great grandma Connie and then visited friends and family in Rochester. As you can tell Landon was perfectly behaved during the ceremony and paying close attention to the vows.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

like father, like son

Here is Landon posing with a football, just like his dad did when he was 3 months old. This picture was taken October 1.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wedding in Minnesota

The wedding we went to was my dad's cousin, Matt. I got all dressed up and was passed around to different relatives. I even got to dance with mom and dad!

Landon's first trip to Minnesota

Right before my mom had to go back to work, we got to take a trip to Minnesota. Our reason for going was for a wedding but I ended up meeting lots of family and friends that I've never met before!

4 month check up

Landon went in for shots yesterday. Poor thing, they stuck him and his whole head turned a deep red and he screamed! He's fine though.

New stats:
length 25 inches, 60th percentile
weight 15 lbs, 3.2 oz, 55th percentile
head circumference 15.25 inches, 5th percentile

His hats won't ever be too small I guess!
other interesting info: the doctor does NOT have a magic pill to help spitting up.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Baptism September 9, 2007

It was a success! Landon only spit up once during the ceremony and we only dropped the burp cloth twice!